My Poetry

My dwelling is between worlds

I come and go as I please

I have no need for designer altars

For my altar is Earth

I have no need for an expencive sword

For by my finger I channel and command

I have no need for fancy robes

For I am clothed in sacred skin

My magick is within My heart is my cauldron

My medicine is nature

The moon is my light The night is my time

My offering is myself

A living offering

With my own blood I consecrate my space (again this is mens blood I have never cut myself)

I embrace the evening midst

I celebrate my Mother's face

As again She is seen in the midst of darkness

Her light is radiant when She smiles

Her face brightens the night

Her light guides the way in the darkness

She ages,

Her light slips

She clothes Herself in Shadow

So no eye can see For She is life

Yet She is death

She is beauty She is fear

My eyes watch

They watch the dance of enchantement

How alluring Her light

Then She withdraws

Like a dance

My soul has been romanced

I have been enchanted by the Moon


Poem that turned into a ritual
Of course I did this ritual on the astral plane

Crow comes to me again

Reminding me Magick is all around

If I look and see

I will find the magick is alive in me

Never forget who you are

For thats the first step down

to the realm of insanity

Moon slips into the night

I see the darkness overcoming light

I feel my emotions rise

As my Shadow once again appears

I grab my head I want to scream

The pain wihtin intensefies

For I know I have eaten the poison of bitterness

Moon slips into the night

I see darkness overcoming the light

I see shadows all around'In a circle

round me now

My demons I fear to face

Are now here before my face

Dark Mother I cry to you

Her silence peirces the night

Moon slips into the night

I feel myself slipping to

Her silence rings nice and loud

I feel death all around

Moon slips into the night

Darkness overcomes the light

Demons circle me about

As an altar before me appears

Caw caw caw

As now Her crows appear

The message is loud and clear

Time of Sacrifice is near

The demons that circle you about

Are yours and yours alone

Therefore you and you alone must kill

The demons you choose to feed

They have no power over you my child

For only what you feed is what you empower

Tis now my child listen now

I will tell you what to do...

Consecrate thee altar with thy blood (mestral blood)

Light no candles

For the waning light of the moon be yours

Take my sword in thy hand

Call each demon one by one

call them each by their name

Lay each one upon thy altsar

With thy sword


" With you ___________ name of demon I ___________Your name

I am now though, wiht me no more be

As now I sever all ties of life unto me"

Pierce the heart completely through

So shall sacrifice be made

Do this to each and everyone

Feel no pity, do not think twice

Your a daughter of the Morrighan

What you kill shall not again rise

None can do this for you

It is yours to do

Before the moon slips away

Into the darkness of the night

I have wondered and thought

What it will be

When the reaper comes for me

When the dark Mother

Comes to cut the threads that tie me here

What Id have around me

When my time has come

Roses, yes the sweet smell of roses

Both red and black

The song the voice let it be played

As I take a last dance

As my heart and soul will go on

Clothed in my black robe

My pentacle and Morrighan pendant

Candles lit

Incense rising

The Caws of my totem letting me know She is near

I have wondered and thought

What it be like on my last

Will I be alone?

Will the fae accompany me?

Will the moon be waning or dark?

It does not matter

For I will dance with the great phantom Queen

Let me cast one last circle

Let my totem suround me

Widdershines let it now be cast

To earth I release my body

Thank you Great Earth for giving me subsatance

To water,I soon will go

Thank you for sustenance

To fire life essence energy passion

thank you for your strength and power

To air I release with gratitude

my breath and spirit

To water to were all things return

The sun and moon set

To the west I sail, I fly

Till the Morrighan embraces me

once more

The winds howls as it dances round me so

> Summoning me to a sacred place


> Hear the voice hear the song of the wind

> Hear the message deep within


> Dance dance

> Join in the spiral dance

> Of wich all is a part

> To another level your soul shall go


> Dance dance

> The wind summons me

> The breath of the Goddess blows upon me now


> Return to me My Child

> Return to me breath of my breath

> Life of my life

> Return my Child to the Great cauldron


> Dance dance

> the spiral dance of which all is a part

> The breath of the Goddess blows upon me


> Come with me now

> Wherew the doors open

> Between life and death


> So you want to know

> What it is like


> See the waters rage during the day

> See the waters calm during the night

> The moon sits upon the waters as upon a throne

> She rules the tides of every soul


> Feel the winds wrapping round

> Feel the intensity as the wind dances

> as if calling me to another place...


> Dance dance

> the spiral dance

> Of which all is a part

> The breath of the Goddess blows upon me



> Hear the call

> The summons of death

> The libration of the soul

> To another plain another realm

> Of magick and life