So you want to be a Witch

If your interest in Witchcraft is because you've just seen the film 'The Craft', and want to have control over the boy ( or girl) who's just jilted you, or have seen 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and want to be able to change your dress in an instant, you've come to the right place; because we're going to do our best to put you off. But if your here because you've got an interest in Ecology, Environmentalism, Human Rights and Spiritual growth, don't worry - we're going to try and put you off too!

If you're interested in Witchcraft and orWicca for excitement, wild sex, it looks cool, black gothic clothing, turning your boy/girl friend in to a toad/your slave and going for self indulgence, let me tell you whats going to happen: You're going to be sorely disappointed! Thats not to say that Witches don't like excitement, large silver pentacles, black gothic clothing, and even at times of thinking of turning your boy/girlfriend into your slave and having wild sex (at the same time; there are some kinky Witches out there!), However thats not what its all about. It is about Spiritual Growth. Not interested in your own Spiritual Growth? Not interested in doing all the hard work? Why become a Witch then?

And becoming a Witch is hard work; and irreversible. You can't undo what you have learnt or done; it will be with you for the rest of your life. There is statements that goes 'Witches are born', and another that 'Witches are made'. Neither is quite true for Witches 'discover what they are for themselves'. If you can't do that you aren't going to be a Witch.It is  a life style,
Once you start on the path it will become an important part of your life. Being a Witch is a vocation, just as being a Doctor, Nurse or for that matter, the Priest of any other religion is, because that is what you are to become a Priest or a Priestess. In Christianity becoming a Priest is hard work, and so is becoming a Witch; a Pagan Priest or Priestess. You can expect your training to take just as long as a Christian Priest or even longer. You learn that you never stop learning; that there is always more to learn, particularly about yourself. Have you changed your mind? have we put you off yet? No, well lets try to shake you up some more! Your class is life, your teachers are the Earth the elements, and ecen animals as well as Deity if you desire to work with Deity
There is a statement used during initiation; 'thou must suffer to learn'. No truer words have been said. As a Witch you learn that 'initiations happen in everyday life' and that they are always painful; for myself that meant my life being turned upside down for a whole year when I made my final vows to my Goddess and gave my life to Her service.
This is based on what I was given by my own HPS
You do not have to join a cpven or tradition there are many solitary, but you do need to research, learn, ask questions. There is another saying when the student is ready a teacher will come