Merry Meet welcome to my Blog
One of my sacred places
I am a Pagan which means I follow an earth based spirituality
The word Pagan means country dweller as our ancestors worked in the country with nature closely and depended on Earth and nature fro survival
Paganism is a spiritual way of life which has its roots in the ancient nature religions of the world. It is principally rooted in the old religions of Europe, though some adherents also find great worth in the indigenous beliefs of other countries. Such belief in the sacredness of all things can be found world-wide. Pagans see this as their heritage, and retain the beliefs and values of their ancestors in forms adapted to suit modern life. We celebrate the sanctity of Nature, revering the Divine in all things
I am a Witch which means I attune to Earth nature and able to channel and manipulate energies to bring for positive change in my life and loved ones
To bring forth my hearts true desire and not interfering with the will of another
I use energies of the earth, herbs, candles, stones but my greatest tool is myself
I am dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Morrighan and work with others as well
Not all witches call on a specific diety as they know the divine is within and they know they have the power. Witches know how to keen the power and use it responsibly yet we will protect those we love
I am a Priestess of the Morrighan dedicated to the Goddess and Her service
I serve Her not just in honoring Her thru ritual but honoring Her by sharing wiht others about Her, by being as much like Her, by giving back in teaching and serving also in community cleaning up trash on my street, volunteering at food bank for there are many in a harder place then me and I am grateful for what I have I recycle and do my part in caring for our Earth Mother
I strive always to continue educating myself on my path and look at ech day an oppotunity to learn a new and grow
I also believe one is not just a witch cause one calls themselves a witch, just as one is not a zbra cause one calls themselves one.
Even before a witch acknolwdges themselves yes I am a witch I belive one knows within and can feel it wihtin and as one looks back one will see
I also must say it is a lifestyle, learning, study research, exprience, talking wht others along the path learning thru many means, and it is hard work for it is a contual process of transformtion Initiations in life are many and when it comes to the craft it begins wihtin you before it is ever celebrted outwardly.
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